Monday, October 13, 2008

The Final Fronteir

I consider myself to be somewhat techno savvy, but until recently, I never thought about doing a blog. I knew what a blog was, had read some blogs, thought they were kinda cool, but for me? It never crossed my mind! Well I have arrived to a final fronteir of sorts for me. I mean I'm sure it's not but it is in some weird way. Anyhow, here I am in all my blog glory going for it. Putting myself out there to be... praised, ridiculed, laughed at, cheered on, wept over (in a good & bad way) and many more responses I haven't even thought of. [Do you get the impression I don't spend alot of time just thinking?] Well, I can help you understand why by telling you a little about myself.

I am married to my wonderful husband Jerry who is a college instructor here in SC. We have two children, Colleen 13 and Connor 3. I'll explain the age differences on a later blog. It's kind of a long story. I am a stay @ home, homeshooling, thrying to persue and herbalist degree Mom that is all about home and all about family. If anyone reading this has known me for a time and hasn't seen me in a while you are probably laughing right now but it's true. People can change and I have. Hopefully for the better but...we'll see.

I love being at home with my kids. I think it's the greatest job in the world. I don't understand women who choose to work. I get the have to work thing although I believe that excuse isn't always true. I think people just assume that you are entitled to have a nice house, a car for every driver, brand name clothes and eat out three times a week. While these things are nice no one is entitle to this or any other form of the "American Dream".

My American dream is for my children to live in a world where they serve God in His calling(not mine or some "preachers"), faithful to church, themselves, their spouses and their children and not get ridiculed for it.

Well anyway those are all great topics for later posts! I should probably go now, the kids are swinging from the chandeliers! (We don't have chandeliers) LOL

1 comment:

Kimallen said...

Wow!! That was a good first post. You should get a spunky background. Check out It is where I got mine they have a ton. There site has more feminine ones than others. Look forward to hearing from you.